Juiced Bikes

Scorpion Electric Moped-Style Bike

Generated on Day One of Indiegogo Launch

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With only 3 pre-production samples, MBA coordinated one-on-one media demos in New York City, filmed media testimonials, and successfully launched the Scorpion’s crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo.

“Before we partnered with Max Borges, our media coverage was almost non-existent. They almost immediately delivered key placements for our brand and within the first year of our partnership, we had features in Forbes, Fortune, Wired, Business Insider, CNET.. the list goes on and on. We’re now one of the most well-covered brands in the e-bike industry. They’ve been incredibly important partners as we’ve scaled up our business.”

Kerri Kauffman, Head of Ecommerce & Growth Marketing
Juiced Bikes

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