Millennial Shoppers look to Social Media for savings and inspiration

Millennial Shoppers look to Social Media for savings and inspiration

At 80 million strong, millennials comprise $600 billion of consumer spending per year, which represents a little less than one-third of all daily per person consumer spending. By 2030, the generation is projected to own 35%. Though brick and mortar shopping is quite...
Generosity expected to peak this Mother’s Day

Generosity expected to peak this Mother’s Day

With Mother’s Day quickly approaching, it’s no wonder gift-givers across the US have already made purchase decisions for the special women in their life. Overall, Americans plan to shell out a staggering $23.6B for Mom, an increase of $2.2B since 2016. On a per person...
Using Market Research to Build Brand Personas

Using Market Research to Build Brand Personas

Much like an actual person, a brand persona is crafted to exude human characteristics that mirror those of the brand’s target audience. In doing so, consumers are more willing and interested in connecting with a brand that speaks their language, and resonates with who...
SuperShoppers: A New Trend to Plan for this Holiday Season

SuperShoppers: A New Trend to Plan for this Holiday Season

Competing with a household brand name is a common challenge for smaller companies in a similar product category. In the past, consumers have often opted for brand name’s they’re familiar with despite the availability of better options.  Yet today, we are...