Millennial Shoppers look to Social Media for savings and inspiration

Millennial Shoppers look to Social Media for savings and inspiration

At 80 million strong, millennials comprise $600 billion of consumer spending per year, which represents a little less than one-third of all daily per person consumer spending. By 2030, the generation is projected to own 35%. Though brick and mortar shopping is quite...
Mobile Marketing Musts

Mobile Marketing Musts

These days, the creativity and strategy behind mobile marketing tactics knows no bounds. Consumers are being targeted with increasing accuracy and effectiveness, and in turn, are embracing brands that effortlessly offer support.   Why spend time fiddling with...
Generosity expected to peak this Mother’s Day

Generosity expected to peak this Mother’s Day

With Mother’s Day quickly approaching, it’s no wonder gift-givers across the US have already made purchase decisions for the special women in their life. Overall, Americans plan to shell out a staggering $23.6B for Mom, an increase of $2.2B since 2016. On a per person...
Using Market Research to Build Brand Personas

Using Market Research to Build Brand Personas

Much like an actual person, a brand persona is crafted to exude human characteristics that mirror those of the brand’s target audience. In doing so, consumers are more willing and interested in connecting with a brand that speaks their language, and resonates with who...
SuperShoppers: A New Trend to Plan for this Holiday Season

SuperShoppers: A New Trend to Plan for this Holiday Season

Competing with a household brand name is a common challenge for smaller companies in a similar product category. In the past, consumers have often opted for brand name’s they’re familiar with despite the availability of better options.  Yet today, we are...
How a 3-Star Amazon Review Kills Your 5-Star Communications Program

How a 3-Star Amazon Review Kills Your 5-Star Communications Program

We all know that most US internet users rely on reviews when deciding to purchase a product. But how important is a good review? For services like Amazon, a slight difference in star-rating has a significant impact on whether a customer buys your brand’s product or...